Friday, May 23, 2008

Chapter 3: Mamaa Miaaa

Arun Ghostrided himself, he was right about his friends believing his lame excuse, but not when it came to Mama.
After all Mama unlike others was the most experienced when it came to matters of Love.
He was been there done that (wrongly, very wrongly) guy in matters of love. After all, it all really began with him.
Just imagine what would happen to Devdas if he chose to stuff himself with food instead of Alcohol!!
Probably Mama is what you would end up with!! As he himself says, she is the only one he ever loved (more than food i.e.).
From just admiring her, trying to talk to her, running away from her on Raksha bandhan day to proposing her in the presence of one and all, he had done it all!!
Taking advice from his loser friends he really didn’t manage to succeed in wooing her.
But he never stopped thinking about her while listening to RHTDM or Aryaa( ‘Feel my love’ plays even now….even his computer speakers are tired of it). He was the guy who truly loved.
But as days passed and as she had moved on, quite far( not geographically), may be too far and time had come for him to move on too.
On Jan 1st 2008
He was on his way back after having a plate of awesome Gobi from his favorite stall(any stall which has food is his favorite actually). He had this really tough internals the next day. He wanted to study, he had to, but day dreaming about her didn’t help matters.
Walking on the muddy footpath, he decided to have a new year resolution, in fact two resolutions,
1) I need to cut down on eating outside (that was achievable, considering the PEER pressure these days ;) ).
2) Forget her once and for all, there was no other way( ummm….thats…well….ummmm….NO COMMENTS)!!!
Yeah he knew he could do it. He promised himself so and walked on towards his house. “I need to concentrate on other things, from this moment on, I will no longer think about her or Gobi” he mentally repeated those words.
As he approached the junction where the roads from different directions met……., “If only I could meet her” he thought and immediately snapped his head, he had to keep his mind off her, reminding of the promise he made to himself 2 seconds ago.
He first looked right then left then right again just like he had been doing since childhood as he was thought to do every time before crossing the road.
And as he looked right, the one last time. It happened. His heart skipped a beat.( No it was not the choelstrol) There came a blue Scooty pep ,it was coming very slowly, with the right side indicator still beeping, may be she forgot to switch it off. There she was in front of him. Just 5 seconds after he had made a resolution to forget her.( Ya Life eijj Haard!!)
And she slowly came near him but she didn’t look at him, it was difficult to tell, her eyes behind those dark driving shades contrast to her fair skin, she looked like an angel out of a fairy tale.( well an angel with a white stick, if u ask me, those dark shades are for the blind !!!)
He wanted to wave to her, but like always he couldn’t. But why wasn’t she even looking he wondered, after all you can’t miss someone as big (he did have another 2 plates of Gobi , which was not mention earlier), but she did not, she didn’t seem to care!
As she zoomed past, her loose hair flying and waving behind, her delicate but firm hands on the accelerator .And then she slows down (her hairs fighting to maintain the zero gravity they were enjoying) , for a split second it seemed as though she had see him, but it was just the hump, as she carefully drove over it, as if not to hurt the hump.
Standing at the edge of the road he just couldn’t take his eyes off her( same was the case with the guy who was frying dry gobies),his mouth open, his heart wildly pumping as he kept looking at her till she disappeared.( Actually he had forgotten his glasses at home so it kind of looked as if she disappeared.) Screw the Promise. He was in love all over again!!
Even God wasn’t willing to let this love story get over so easily!!
Then out of the blue,
He was hit!!

Actually it was just Sheki in blue T shirt(it had a Mermaid on it!! Dude, WTF!!), as he back slapped him again , “Now what the hell are you day dreaming about?? “, he asked.
Mama could only smile as he grabbed the pack of chips from Pikku( That’s me, That’s me!! I am there in the story too…yuhooo!!! :P) and continued munching the chilly and spicy Potato chips!! Yummy!! ;)


abhi said...

koole magane......wen ru staring 2 write buks 'll sold out within few days i tel u.....!!!!owesum keep it up(even thou if u hd 2 write abt me... ;) )

Anonymous said...

awsome maga...
story seems to be really cool ;)
if its not also...i well know that you are good in hyping it :D
really nice...njoyed readin it..great work :)

Nightmare.. said...

Lol! Honestly even My history text never seemed this funny ! =D

( History because of the long notes you have written! =P )

Good one! I like it