What happens after a man dies?
Is there a God waiting to settle things? Is there another world in a parallel universe ? An afterlife? Hell or heaven?
Does Chitragupta use the latest version of Tally for his accounting purposes so as to catch up with growing number of souls Yama keeps bringing? Or do dead people get bored to death[again] waiting in never ending queues for their turns to come up as he flips through the pages of his dusty old books?
Would St.Peter's job be outsourced to some other Indian saint from a tier 2 city? Will the Indian saint have lost it to a Mexican or a philipino by the time you reach there?
Do the Jehadis get their share of 72 virgins? Or will they be given a raw deal citing the dwindling male-to-female ratio as the reason?
What about the virtual world??
Have you ever wondered what will happen to the email account of a person once he dies? What happens to their blog? Their flickr/not 'baalti ibibo' account? Their Orkut account?Their adsense[from which I haven't earned much]?
You have an online friend,Girlfriend,a very 'good friend',but you don't know where exactly they live but you 'keep in touch' nonetheless.How will they know when a person is dead or is simply 'Inactive Virtually'???
If people want their online world to end along with them, there needs to be some sort of notification system. You could actually configure your message what you want to convey to people and store it in your mailbox. And only your lawyer will have the access key which triggers sending this message. Once this system matures, there will be provisions for custom messages for individuals or groups.
A general message could read something like this:
"Hey, I am dead now. Sorry for not responding to your mail. For any further queries, contact my family at 91-821-..."
A message to an online girlfriend can go like this:
"Honey, I am dead now. Apologies for not buying you the cute bracelet I promised. Don't keep in touch"
A Yahoo messenger status message reads :"I am dead" with a smiley with its tongue hanging out emoting your dead face.
A slightly complex message could be configured for a particular friend :
"Yeah bastard you were right. I ignored all those 'send it to 20 people or else bad luck will haunt you' forward and I am dead now. Send this message to 20 alive people you know"
All those people who want their legacy to continue will make "wills" . A lawyer reading it out will be something like "The son will get the blog account and all the ad revenue generated from that. The daughter will have access to flickr pro account and Youtube account and the son cannot share her flickr account to upload the pictures for his blog posts. The grandson will get the Rapidshare premium account and if it is noticed that he is using it to upload porn or do illegal stuff, it will be given to charity. The wife gets nothing as she does not use the computer at all"!!
this one is really cool dude!
njoyd reading...nice ideas!
really good...keep it up!
this is cool da.....nice thought...and keep up the good work
its a nice one..gud
(beccoz i haven't read any article...)
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