Monday, January 12, 2009

Fly HIGH!!

In a dark dingy bar, I perch on a round stool holding a drink in my hands. And I have this conversation.
Me: I can fly… So... I am a fly.
Yeah! I am a fly!But I am also stupid. I am a stupid fly.
I am a stupid fly.And I even eat shit .So I must be a shit eating stupid fly.
Hmmm...I am a shit eating stupid fly .I am so fucked up. Well then I am a fucked up shit eating stupid fly.
I am a fucked up shit eating stupid fly .I’ll soon die.Then I’ll be a dead fucked up shit eating stupid fly.Thats right!!
So what are you?
An Eskimo?
Or are you a mug of Beer?huh!
well then...hmmm!
Jeez!! Don't tell me you are a cup of Horlicks? Hahahahaaaaha!!
Or are you a shot of Tequila? vooo!
Ummmm I know!! yeaaa!!! You must be Superman!!


Oh yeah! By the way I am also DRUNK!!